Thursday, 5 May 2011

George Something

This is where George gets to do something i suppose. Dont ask, but expect crudely drawn cocks and old pizza boxes here soon.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


We're back baby.

That's right, we've moved to a new office... ...bedroom... it what you will. And we're back on track.

The 2 month delay on releasing the L4D2 hilarities was partly thanks to my inability to remain in one residence for more than the time it takes to eat toast, partly due to Virgin Media's outstanding internet providings and partly due to manbearpig.

Hope you haven't missed us too much, and keep checking back this week for fresh new reviews, special guests including a Wookie and our new, improved and unrestricted COMMENT SYSTEM allowing you to annonymously comment and be offensive, racist or whatever you freaks do these days, compare bieber to rachel or something i dunno, whatever.

Coming soon...

...Bulletstorm, Left 4 Dead 2, Magicka, Photos of Rich and Si 'working' and the new studio. New look website. And hopefully more comments from you lot.

Enjoy and subscribe for updates, or keep coming back!