It's Official!

...And we've brought something with us; it doesn't fly, it doesn't squat in the mud, it isn't particularly hairy and it does like a good videogame as much as we do.
It's called a Jamie, and it scared us to begin with as it's a rather unpredictable and dangerous substance but we have tamed it, trained it and given it a page. So please help us make him feel welcome, as he will be joining the writing crew and reviewing crew on a full time basis.
We will also be hosting a series of guest writers in the near future. With weekly posts and some midweek madness to keep you busy while we work on our new videos and come up with a production schedule to bring you grade A, HD game porn pushed into your eyes through the wizardry of the internet.
If you dont like it, we wanna know why, so feel free to comment, like, dislike again or email us. We even have an ever increasingly busy facebook page (search 3 Crows Studio) to join in the fun... ...I mean even today there's a 55% off deal on like 20 games brought to you by our friends at Paradox. Pretty cool huh?
Yeah. Dont say we never give you anything.
Thursday I will personally be overseeing the creation of some stickers for you fanboys/girls to get for free, Friday I (si tye) am hosting a 24 hour gaming session for charity and tshirts are going to be printed as soon as we can afford them (we do this shit for free at the moment you know!)
So belt up, sit back, and watch this space!
...And we've brought something with us; it doesn't fly, it doesn't squat in the mud, it isn't particularly hairy and it does like a good videogame as much as we do.
It's called a Jamie, and it scared us to begin with as it's a rather unpredictable and dangerous substance but we have tamed it, trained it and given it a page. So please help us make him feel welcome, as he will be joining the writing crew and reviewing crew on a full time basis.
We will also be hosting a series of guest writers in the near future. With weekly posts and some midweek madness to keep you busy while we work on our new videos and come up with a production schedule to bring you grade A, HD game porn pushed into your eyes through the wizardry of the internet.
If you dont like it, we wanna know why, so feel free to comment, like, dislike again or email us. We even have an ever increasingly busy facebook page (search 3 Crows Studio) to join in the fun... ...I mean even today there's a 55% off deal on like 20 games brought to you by our friends at Paradox. Pretty cool huh?
Yeah. Dont say we never give you anything.
Thursday I will personally be overseeing the creation of some stickers for you fanboys/girls to get for free, Friday I (si tye) am hosting a 24 hour gaming session for charity and tshirts are going to be printed as soon as we can afford them (we do this shit for free at the moment you know!)
So belt up, sit back, and watch this space!